Monday, 31 January 2011

John Barry 1933 - 2011

A sad news day. The renowned film composer John Barry has passed away, aged 77. I have been listening to his music since I was about seven years old (thanks, Dad).

Just this weekend, I was pottering around in the kitchen and (as is my wont) I thought about grabbing a CD and popping it into my wife's CD player. I had more or less decided to play On Her Majesty's Secret Service, but I got distracted and the moment was lost. Not before the odd thought, John Barry... I wonder...? passed through my head, though. Saturday afternoon. How weird is that?

On reflection, I'm not really given to belief in premonitions - I think I heard, We Have All The Time in the World played on the radio whilst at work earlier in the week, and that's probably what triggered my subconscious into that particular train of thought. Otherwise, I'd be trying to predict next week's Lotto numbers right now, instead of posting here. But, when I arrived at work this morning and heard a medley of John Barry's music playing on the same radio, it was a peculiar feeling when the penny dropped. I said to a colleague, "Either he's died, or been given a knighthood", hoping for the latter but certain it was the former...

This evening, I will take out Playing by Heart and give it a spin. A Game of Hide and Seek is, for me, one of his most beautiful cues...